Sunday 16 August 2009

A knitting PS

Dedicated to Bob Marley and a bit of 'jammin'....

Grapevine Shawl in Fleece Artist Blue Face Leicester 2/8.
Pattern by Robyn Gallimore Reb Bird Knits.
Judged a success although the last rows took ages to knit.

Can't exactly say what this is but piccy taken in front of Pania Di Corfino. A limestone massive with one face turned to the sea the other to the Apennines.
PS Last weeks 'spaghetti tree' was in fact untreated hemp which I have challenged Ambra to so something with...


suse-the-slow-knitta said...

untreated hemp? no way! it was spaghetti!
the shawl looks fab btw!

Fiona said...

Beautiful shawl Whaley