Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Happy Birthday LittleOne

So I am now the mother of a 'grown up' !
How time flies....
Mind you she still seems to spend a great deal of time sleeping, after being up most of the night.
But its been a lovely 18 years.

She had two celebrations. Here is the bithday cake for the 'oldies' gathering. True to my warped British sense of humour, half were edible, half knitted. Nonna got caught out, trust her to pick the one with the biggest strawberry on!


paola said...

Che foto meravigliosa...scusa ma non ho saputo esimermi nel commentare, al momento sono molto sensibile a certe cose...Al piccolo ho comprato un bodino con scritto ABI 2029 (abi=maturita')...quanto ci metteranno avolare questi 18 anni???


paula said...

Love the picture of the two of you sleeping . . . a mother's love always shows through.

Oh, and keep the warped sense of humor . it comes in handy at the oddest times.

Anonymous said...

Che foto tenera, mamma e figlia 18 anni fa. Mi sembra ieri quando ho conosciuto Linda che andava ancora alla scuola materna. Buon compleanno ancora. Simona

Anonymous said...

You havent changed a bit...apart from hair colour ;O)


Jane said...

Congratulations to you and your daughter! 18 years goes by so fast. Had a little chuckle over Nona and the strawberry.